JETSPRAY - Minimum Quantity Lubricant

Machining with Minimum Quantity Lubricant or MQL allows significant cuts in coolant costs and improves tool life and surface finish as well.
The costs of coolant are about 15 percent of the life-cycle operational costs of a machining process. It includes the costs of procurement, filtration, separation and disposal. And this costs continue to rise. As a consequence coolant becomes a crucial economic issue and the machining with "Minimum Quantity Lubricant" is becoming the cost-saving and environmentally friendly option.
Benefits at a Glance:
- Significant cuts in coolant costs,
- Longer Tool Life,
- Precise Tool Lubrication,
- Little required installation space,
- Installation and setup in minutes,
- Currently the most favorable system on the market.
Technical Key Features:
- Coolant rate and compressed-air flow rate separately adjustable,
- Compact and stable design,
- Delivery of lubricant from pressurized storage tank,
i. e. without aditional pump or other moving parts - All parts in stainless steel,
- Strong magnetic prism foot with on / off switch.

Fig. Ratio of cooling lubricant costs to the total cost of machining.
With JETSPRAY we offer a Top MQL System for an unbeatable price! Its extremely stable and compact design without aditional pump is suited for all machine tools. Assembling und installation is practicable in just a few minutes.
Functioning: JETSPRAY is using the VENTURI principle to spray an air-liquid mixture towards the contact point. Compressed-air flow rate and liquid rate can both be regulated separately.
The coolant is forced through a LOC-LINE hose to a nozzle (in case of the Double Spraying System through two hoses), which can be directed to a preferred position.
The hose is connected to a manifold equipped with an inlet for the coolant, a further inlet for the compressed air and a shut-off valve. The base is a small, powerful magnet with an on/off switch, which can be attached to the machine where required.